Our House Captains 2021/22

We have 8 captains who lead our four brand teams: Rashford,Stokes, Asher-Smith and Houghton intra school competitions throughout the year. They have been chosen for their great commitment to sports and competition at Greenside.

Run a Mile with Your Child 2020

As part of the Tameside mile competition we want families to run a mile with their child in October and send a picture or video to twitter @greensidesport or email pe@greenside.tameside.sch.uk. Our sports council have made an amazing promo video to encourage parents to get involved.

Sport Relief 2020

We have lots going on for Sport Relief 2020 organised by our Sport Councillors and School Sports Organising crew. We will be doing a adult and child PE session,daily challenges ran by our play leaders, and a staff challenge. We are excited for all the activities and how much we will raise.



Year 5 Leadership Training

In Autumn 2 2019 both Year 5 classes have been very lucky to have a 2 hour training slot during PE with Rachael from Tameside SSP. They worked on what being a leader meant, tried out some fun sessions and then designed their own before testing them out!

Our Sport Council 2020/21

Our School Sport Council and their deputy's have been chosen by their class to represent them and give their opinions and ideas about school sport at Greenside. As well as meetings, children are given tasks and will help to organise events such as sports day, Sport Relief and welcome visitors to school

Sports Council Tasks

For their first task the sport councillors wrote an introduction to themselves, saying what sport they play, what they like and would like to improve about Greenside and what they would like to achieve this year.

Places of Welcome at St Martin's Church 

Following the first ever Places of welcome active session last term, Mr Ellis and the Sports Ambassadors have been making bi-weekly visits to St Martins church to put on active sessions for our local community, many of which are over 60. Sessions this half term have included elephant football, parachute darts and balloon volleyball and have been accompanied by lots of laughter from the ladies involved. A huge well done must go to our ambassadors who have been fantastic and Reverend Farnworth who we have worked with to run these sessions in our community.


Tameside Young Ambassadors 2021/22

Every year we train up 10 year 5 Children to be Tameside Young Ambassadors in Sports and Health, to help take on projects to get our school and our community healthier and more active.

This year the reasons were the same but this time the children were in their classrooms after school, with the training taking place over Zoom. Our children did us proud with some superb ideas, and we cannot wait to find out what exciting things they will bring to school in 2021. 

Our school sport organising crew 2020/21

After School Club Leaders

Here are some pictures of our fantastic after school club leaders running sessions and working with year 1 and 2 children. It is fantastic to see our excellent leaders working with the younger children and giving up their own time to help. 

Our school sports organising crew children are very important in providing the best possible school sport at Greenside. We have

Playground Leaders, who run daily activities for phase 1 children.

Match reporters and Photographers, who provide detailed reports and fantastic pictures for our website and assemblies.

Intra school competition leaders, who officiate and set up matches between our house teams. 

After school club leaders, who run a weekly Multi Skills club for Phase 1 children.

Playtime equipment leaders who make sure our equipment is always ready to use and in good condition.

Here are some pictures of our playground leaders in action.