EYFS2 Gallery

The Nativity

This half term, we have been learning all about the nativity story through the play ‘It’s a Baby!’

We learnt and rehearsed story lines and an entire range of songs to retell the birth of Jesus Christ. We each had important roles in retelling Mary & Joseph’s special journey to Bethlehem. We improvised and practised our own actions to accompany our songs and storytelling. We then performed for Phase 1 children and staff before our final performance for parents and carers.


Bonfire Night

This half term we learned about Bonfire Night and some of the history behind this exciting celebration. We learnt about why we ‘Remember, remember the 5th of November,” and about Guy Fawkes’s treacherous plot.

We came up with some important safety rules to keep us safe as we celebrate and enjoy the night.

Finally, we created our own firework art and name rockets and even made some sparklers!


Family Portraits

We created our own family portraits and talked about the different people that we live with. This is to remind us of all of the people who love and care for us, even when we are away from them and working hard in school.

Colour Mixing
We have enjoyed learning about primary and secondary colours. We identified and sorted primary and secondary sources of colour within our classroom and then practised mixing our own colours. We looked at Piet Mondrian’s artwork and his use of colour and shape. We created our own Mondrian inspired work.


At the start of the year, the children learned all about themselves through the topic "All About Me". They talked about their likes and dislikes, shared and unique features and their families. To commemorate the start of their learning journeys, we measured the children in September and we will continue to watch them grow throughout the year!



During the month of October, Reception were creating our own potions in our writing. We drew pictures of what we wanted to put in our potions and used our phonics knowledge to write the words. We had lots of fun outside making potions bubble and fizz!



We celebrated Autumn by tasting autumn apples from the garden and completing a range of autumnal craft activities. We invited grown-ups to join with our celebrations.

We created our own self portraits. We  discussed how we all look different to each other, but also how some people have similar features (for example, brown eyes). We looked in the mirror to identify which colours we needed for our hair, skin and eyes, and to know how to paint our different features. Take a look!