Year 1 Gallery

Art - Self Portraits

Year 1 have been lucky enough to work with Miss Chesney on an exciting art project, starting with creating their own self-portraits using a variety of mediums. This allowed them to explore different techniques and express their individuality. They then moved on to studying the artist Hokusai, focusing on his iconic piece The Great Wave. Inspired by his style, the children experimented with ways to begin recreating the famous artwork, developing their artistic skills and creativity along the way.


Fine Motor Skills

In Year 1, the children have been developing their fine motor skills through a fun and creative activity: making pumpkin mosaics! Using different colored pieces of card, they carefully arranged and glued the shapes to form vibrant pumpkin designs. This hands-on project not only encouraged their artistic expression but also helped strengthen their hand-eye coordination, precision, and concentration. The result is a display of colorful, eye-catching pumpkins that showcases both their creativity and growing motor skills.

DT - Fruit Kebabs

This half term, Year 1 have been exploring the exciting topic of 'All About Me.' We have learned all about how to take care of our bodies by exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and eating a balanced, healthy diet. As part of our Design and Technology lessons, the children had the chance to taste a variety of fruits, then design and create their very own fruit kebabs, using their favourite fruits to make healthy and delicious snacks! The children have enjoyed learning how to look after themselves while being creative and having fun.